An important step in ensuring the security of your account is to set up something call 'multi factor authentication'. The multiple factors refer to more than one thing that's required to get into your account - in this case it's a password, and a code generated by an authenticator app. Here's how to set this up in Buz.
First you'll need to download an authenticator app on your mobile phone. The Google Authenticator is one option. It's automatically installed on your work device and you can easily download the same app for free on your personal device - it's available here on Android and iOS. The instructions that follow assume you're using the Google Authenticator.
Now login to Buz as usual, you'll then be prompted with this screen
And that's it! Next time you login to Buz you'll be prompted to enter that second factor - the number generated by the authenticator app. You can elect to remember the computer you're logged in to so you don't have to keep entering that code, but you'll need to enter it again if you login to any other computer.
This is a great extra layer of protection which stops someone getting into your Buz account even if they know your password, which is why we ensure you have it turned on.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please don't delete the Google authenticator app once you've set this up or we'll need to get Buz to reset your account for you before you can log back in. You'll then need to set it up again.